Life has changed and it is much harder for us all
I have decided to put up some pictures of real life. Ones that have hit me hard.
We spent two years coping with the dreadful COVID pandemic and now we are all hit with incredible hikes in our normal day to day costs of living. I would love to say that we will all get through this, but it is tough, very tough for many.
When I look back over the last few years, I look back with sadness. Sadness at the enormous loss of life and the hardships that followed. Sadness for the struggling businesses. Sadness for the lack of human contact we all needed but couldn’t have while we isolated. Most of all though, sadness for being denied the precious times I wanted to spend with my lovely Mum, knowing that she wouldn’t be with us for much longer. She passed away last April and I will always feel sadness that I couldn’t be with her as much as I wanted to while she was alive because of the COVID restrictions.
This sadness through the last few years affected me greatly in that, I struggled to be as creative as I “should” be as an artist. Some said “But you have all this quiet time just to paint!” Some made great inroads into their artistic journeys, and some, like me, were affected by the global shock, sadness and worries of loved ones.
Oh, I painted, yes. I was kept busy with private commissions and enjoyed the challenge of creating how my customers envisaged their finished art works, but I lacked the creative spark I needed for my own work. Call it a form of “Writer’s Block” but for creative painting instead of writing.
In the meantime, I’m slowly coming out of my shell and squeezing out the paints for myself again. I like to think that my Mum is there encouraging me on my artistic journey. After all, she was my biggest fan!