Before full of boxes and now back to being a proper studioGratitude for the studio art space to paint in

When I'm creating, I lose myself completely in the process. Time stops still and the random thought chatter of daily life fades away to a silence that I can only describe as "the zone".

I drew and painted my way out of a dark hole when I was ill 15 years ago and I hadn't stopped until recently when I lost the space to create. After a few delays, my studio has been given back to me and the last remnants of the kitchen are in the kitchen. Now I need to clear the space in my head and free the cobwebs to release the inspirations that have been piling up.

I didn't realise just how frustrating it could be not being able to settle to paint. What was even more surprising was the sudden block I had when the space was cleared. Almost as if all the ideas were cramming to come out together, and I wasn't able to take hold of a single thought to run with it. "Is this what writers experience?" I wondered.

To settle myself down and return to the flow I'm digging out unfinished works that I had set aside while I was undecided what to do with them. The time spent without space has not gone to waste and now it's catch up time. Am I excited? Absolutely!